The content of all individual mods is licensed under their respective licenses.
Additions exclusive to this modpack are licensed under the WTFPL.
Important: Some of these mods are only partially included and/or heavily modified to balance the overall gameplay.
- AllowTool by UnlimitedHugs
- AnimalHideWorking by ItchyFlea
- AdditionalJoyObjects by cuproPanda
- AdditionalLighting by Skullywag
- AdvancedLamps by Igabod
- Apparello by Shinzy
- BackstoriesCore by mipen
- Cats! by Fluffy (l2032)
- CaveWorldFlora by Rikiki
- Clutter by mrofa
- ColonyManager by Fluffy (l2032)
- Combat Realism by NoImageAvailable
- CommunityCoreLibrary by RimWorld CCL Team
- CTS by kexici
- DermalRegenerator by Skullywag
- DoorMat by Latta
- EdBInterface by EdB
- EdBModOrder by EdB
- EdBPrepareCarefully by EdB
- EndTable by TLHeart
- EnhancedDevelopment by Jaxxa
- EnhancedTabs by Fluffy (l2032)
- EPOE by Ykara
- Fences by ItchyFlea
- FloorLights by Temeez
- FinerThings by DeaconBlues
- FishIndustry by Rikiki
- Fusebox by Ratys
- GlassworksIX by ITOS
- Hospitality by Orion
- Infusion by Latta
- Jabbamonkey’s Graphics Overhaul by Jabbamonkey
- M&Co. by Rikiki
- MD2 by mipen
- MechanoidTerraformer by Rikiki
- Miscellaneous+MAI by Haplo
- ModdedHeads by Fluffy (l2032)
- ModularTables by ItchyFlea
- MoreHair by Shinzy
- NeuffsTextures by neuffs
- NoCleaning by Latta
- NoRaidStoryteller by ItchyFlea
- Norbals by Shinzy
- OmniFloors by Telkir
- Pawn State Icons by Sadler
- PowerSwitch
- ProjectArmory by Project Armory Dev Team
- QuantumStorage by Ratys
- RecycleApparel by TLHeart
- RedistHeat by Latta
- Rimsenal by rooki1
- RoofSupport by Nommy
- RTGs by ItchyFlea
- Sleep by ZOMBIE2
- StorageSearch by meonester
- SuperiorCrafting by Abrexus
- TargetPractise by ItchyFlea
- TurretCollection by eatKenny
- Vegetable Garden by dismar
- VeinMiner by JuliaEllie